I had never really thought about visiting a pumpkin patch. I drove past one the other day and realized that this would be a perfect place to take my grand-niece, who is making one year, for a session.
The attendant (maybe the owner of the business) didn't seem to mind that I was following Tyler around taking hundreds of pictures. The props are provided, and the scenery was awesome. Now we were there to purchase a pumpkin. If you decide to do this, please buy a pumpkin or two. Some small ones were only like a dollar!
We allowed Tyler to roam and explore, touch and, yes, taste the pumpkins. I watched and observed, as always, and captured these treasured moments of Tyler's first Pumpkin Patch experience.
Much like finding the perfect pumpkin, it can be a challenge to find a great location for photographing little ones. But when you finally do....
It tastes so good!
Nov 3, 2017, 3:22:30 PM
Christine - Beautiful pictures Chuck!!! She's precious!
Oct 27, 2017, 5:51:23 PM
Chris F. Billiot - That's quite special. And yes a good idea.